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The Afro-Asian Peoples' Solidarity Organization (AAPSO) is a mass non-governmental organization with national committees in more than 90 countries in Asia and Africa, and has associate member committees in Europe and Latin America


Dr. Helmi Hadidi Head of the Afro-Asian Peoples

Speech of Dr. Helmi Hadidi  Head of the Afro-Asian Peoples' Solidarity Organization (AAPSO)  At the Ministerial Meeting of the Non-Aligned Movement – Sharm El Sheikh,  9 to 10 May 2012


His Excellency the President

First of all, I would like to express my thanks and gratitude to the Arab Republic of Egypt and HE, Minister of Foreign Affairs, for hosting this great conference at this important juncture; it is also a great honor for me to speak in this ministerial meeting on behalf of the Afro-Asian Peoples' Solidarity Organization that I presided after the death of former President and freedom fighter, Ahmed Hamroush.


This meeting takes place in a historic milestone moment. Three years ago, the summit of the Non-Aligned Movement was held at this same place but under different circumstances. It was only after the outbreak of Arab revolutions in the region that a new environment has emerged, representing a source of inspiration to the whole world. As a civil society organization, the Afro-Asian Peoples' Solidarity Organization participated consistently in the Non-Aligned Movement to defend human rights and eliminate bureaucracy and dictatorship for the good governance in our countries.
The participation of 118 member states and many civil society movements imposes reinterpretation for the rationale of the Non-Aligned Organization in light of the changing circumstances of today's world, "and we hope that this would be our main concern in the next stage.
Although the current world is facing many challenges, the main issue, which should take priority is to establish an independent state for the Palestinian people. The developed countries in the West do not care about the rights of the Palestinians that are being violated, nor do they care about the grave suffering of the Palestinian people from the brutal and repressive practices of the Israeli occupation.
Here, as a civil society movement, the organization, assures that it will continue its engagement to lead the march of the peoples in all capable countries so that they maintain their dignity and live freely in peace and democracy.
"Injustice, insecurity and inequality" still prevail as a result of domination, especially in the field of nuclear weapons, and the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT). The nuclear threat did not shrink, instead it has expanded with an undeclared nuclear state hiding behind the major powers, let alone the intervention in the internal affairs of the Non-Aligned countries.

The return of Asia and the Pacific to the field of economic development is certainly a positive trend for the Non-Aligned Movement, but these countries need to pay more attention to the settlement of their disputes. Both in Africa and Asia, there are many hot spots that need to be addressed patiently and peacefully.


It is no secret that since the end of the Cold War and our movement has been trying to readjust its role to be in line with the global developments, with various proposals and projects being crystallized, starting with a change in the organization's name, its integration in other structures and the changes of its fundamental objectives. Therefore the main task of the Non-Aligned Movement in the current stage is to look for an effective role to play, specially that the current global order combines contradictory streams, some backing the Non-Aligned Movement and other opposing it, with global trends on the rise and other countries work towards economic blocs both within a regional or global framework. So, is it possible for the Movement to be once again the player that would create the absent balance in the global relations, enabling the developing countries to play a more important role on the international arena under the current circumstances?
The Non-Aligned Movement has scored some achievements, most important of which is the historic and strong role it played for the liberation of the will of the peoples of Africa, Asia and Latin America as well as its role in prompting the international community to establish economic organizations such as UNCTAD, UNIDO to help developing countries. Also one of the most important roles played by the Non-Alignment Movement was within the United Nations where it became an important voting block after the Algiers conference in 1972, after which it managed to define the agenda of the UN that has become a kind of repetition of its own agenda. In other words, the Non-Aligned Movement managed to control the mechanism of the United Nations and its organizations. Also, the Non-Aligned Movement has been working relentlessly to map a new world order to achieve comprehensive, justice and equivalent peace that would meet the rights and interests of all nations and peoples. The Movement has also introduced a new concept of international security based on the principle of equal opportunities, mutual trust, co-existence and renouncement of the use of force.


We, the Afro-Asian Peoples' Solidarity Organization, do not want to see the Non-Aligned Movement reaching a stage of inertia with which it could lose its efficacy, being just alive in the form of meetings and conferences and in the form of special understandings within the framework of the United Nations or between the capitals of countries; such a status that would not be effective when it comes to the core issues facing the third world in particular and the world in general.
This is the scene that would drive us towards fulfilling the vision of the Non-Aligned Movement: the communities still suffer from old problems such as poverty, illiteracy, poor health services and others.

What we can say at this stage is that the international system of the Non-Aligned Movement became a multilateral one, encompassing emerging countries looking forward to economic prosperity.
In conclusion, I wish your conference every success for the good of our peoples and our movement.

Thank you for your attention