

Nuclear Arms And The Israeli Knesset

* 1/1/2000

A number of Israel’s Knesset members, for the first time, requested the discussion of Israel’s nuclear capabilities. On this occasion, American and European Organizations also demanded that the Middle East should be free from nuclear weapons and other weapons of mass destruction. The Solidarity Organization salutes the Knesset members who raised this issue as well as American and European Organizations who have strengthened this position.

AAPSO has always backed all official and popular organizations and institutions in the world during the last half of the century, which have pursued the quest for eliminating all weapons of mass destruction, above all nuclear weapons, from the world. AAPSO has also participated in numerous conferences aimed at signing the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) signed by the majority of countries with the exception of some countries, particularly Israel.
Therefore, discussing Israel’s nuclear capabilities in the Knesset is an important matter. Moreover, the position adopted by American and European organization should be appreciated.
Turning the Middle East into a zone free from nuclear and other weapons of mass destruction is a major issue. In fact, President Hosni Mubarak had proposed this initiative in the international fora, specially the UN and was welcomed by Arab countries.
AAPSO appeals to all countries, governmental and non-governmental organizations to support the discussion of this issue in the Knesset, and to adopt transparency and seek to have Israel sign NPT, thus peace may reign in the region on a sound basis.

Permanent Secretariat

* 1/11/2001

Using Depleted Uranium Against Peoples

The Public opinion in African and Asian countries shares the international community’s feelings of shock and concern regarding the information recently released about the use of depleted uranium in some regions around the world which affected many victims (of states troops) from the armies of several states.
The data showed that depleted uranium is a substance of high density that releases a lot of energy with the ability of going through shields. This results in particles of uranium dioxide to be transferred via air or wounds resulting in Leukaemia if highly accumulated (with high amount) in the human body.
However, more astonishing is the concern about soldiers who used that destructive weapon, neglecting its victims among civilians. It is certain that these bombs were used by Israel against the Lebanese people and recently against the Palestinian people.
The Afro-Asian Peoples Solidarity Organization strongly condemns the use of that weapon and calls for banning it. The Organization also calls for setting up a UN investigation committee to probe that matter and find facts behind it, giving priority and maximum care for peoples affected by that weapon.

* 27/2/2002

Message To The 1st NPT
Preparatory Committee

On the occasion of the planned 1st NPT Preparatory Committee, April 8-19, 2002 in preparation for 2005 conference of the parties to the nuclear weapons non-proliferation treaty (NPT), AAPSO’s Secretariat had to establish its key-position concerning this event.
For this purpose AAPSO’s Secretariat has devoted its meeting in Feb. 26,2002. The meeting dealt with the problems of prohibition and non-proliferation of nuclear weapons worldwide and first of all in the Middle East region. A special attention was given to the issue of implementation of the countries of the region of all that have been agreed upon in previous NPT conferences, basically the decision of NPT 1995 decision concerning the “establishment of an effectively verifiable Middle East zone free from weapons of mass destruction” including nuclear, chemical and biological weapons.
AAPSO expressed great anxiety concerning the possibility of USA war against some countries of the region under the pretext of having mass destruction weapons, while USA pretends knowing nothing about the apparent nuclear Israeli threat to the security of the whole region.
AAPSO has sent a message to the missions of UN countries members in NY and to all international concerned NGOs where AAPSO’s position with regard to the issues of NPT Prep. Committee is fixed. The message states that: “The document of the last NPT conference emphasizes that nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation are mutually reinforcing particularly in the regions fraught with tension and conflicts like the Middle East, South and East Asia. In the Middle East, Israel has acquired nuclear weapon arsenal, which a fact that might promote other states of the region to seek weapons of mass destruction.
AAPSO’s message calls the parties to the NPT to stick to, and implement previous NPT conferences’ decisions and resolutions, mainly the decision of 1995 conference on the “establishment of an effectively verifiable Middle East zone free from weapons of mass destruction” including nuclear, chemical and biological weapons. AAPSO’s message also asks the parties to the NPT to urge Israel to join the NPT as all other countries of the region.
AAPSO’s message refers to: “ Instead of implementing what had been approved by former NPT conferences to prevent nuclear weapons proliferation, USA declared and implemented its own counter proliferation policy of using force combined with effective nuclear deterrence against any country hostile to its policy or may try to acquire WMS with one exception that is Israel. Israeli nuclear arsenal was and still out of any control, any treaties or agreements, it is left intact. Meanwhile USA in cooperation with Israel have developed Missile Defence Systems so as to further strengthen their nuclear deterrence in the Middle East region through destroying the missiles of other countries. No doubt that this matter will lead to the collapse of the whole system of nuclear non-proliferation and deadly threat the security of the whole region.” AAPSO’s message considers that “Israel is urged to immediately place its nuclear installations and activities under IAEA safeguards and adhere to NPT in compliance with the principle of the universality of NPT and NWSs must observe their unequivocal adherence to accomplish the total elimination of their nuclear arsenals.”

* 12/3/2002

Meeting Of The AAPSO Secretariat With The Specialists And Experts Of Disarmament Questions On The Preparatory Meeting Of The Conference Of The Review Of The Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty

In preparation for the first preparatory committee of the conference of the review of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), AAPSO’s secretariat organized a meeting, in AAPSO’s main office in March, 12th, 2002, with the specialists, scientists, experts and all those concerned with disarmament questions and review of the pertinent international conventions.
At the beginning, Dr. Mourad Ghaleb, AAPSO’s President, who started the meeting, mentioned the necessity of persuading the international community of stopping the double-standard policy and of putting mass destruction weapons under the control of one international agency.
Mr. Bahig Nassar pointed out that the general trend is to relating the organizations’ reports on nuclear weapons to the recent developments, especially those related to anti-missile defense systems, and to the recently published report on the new American nuclear policy, which implies the possibility of America’s directing its nuclear weapons to seven countries, four of which locates in the Middle East.
Dr. Mounir Zahran emphasized the necessity of paying attention to what he called the hidden agenda in all aspects of international relations and particularly in disarmament questions. Concerning the upcoming conference of review, he affirmed that the participants in the conference tend to:
1.Avoid the wide participation of civil society and NGOs, especially after the events of Seattle, Genoa, etc.
2.Settle a semi-official agreement on the necessity to avoid the failure of the preparatory committees of the conference.
He called upon the participating NGOs in the preparatory committee in New York to work on:
1.Precise wording.
2.Adding a clause about the enforcement mechanism, according to the 1995 Conference resolutions.
3.Forcing Israel to join the Treaty, like all other countries.
4.While mentioning India and Pakistan’s refusal to get the title of nuclear states, Israel should be added, or at least, the phrase “or any other countries”.
Major General Dr. Ahmed Abd El-Halim pointed out the following significant issues:
1.The cruciality of replacing the word “nuclear” for “radiological”. Since “nuclear” means talking about nuclear states, whereas “radiological” means pointing fingers at what the West calls “terrorist groups”, which is an expandable and ambiguous term applicable to any body, group or individuals all over the world.
2.The upcoming conference will focus on prohibiting intercontinental missiles, chemical and biological weapons, without mentioning nuclear weapons and without referring to certain countries in particular.
3.The existence of a critical formula connecting Israeli security to Arab security. While Arab countries are being forced to sign all international treaties pertaining to disarmament, Israel refuses to join these treaties or to subject mass destruction arsenal to any international supervision! Does this signify fixing and legalizing Israel’s position as the state guaranteeing Middle East security?
4.All previous and upcoming conferences endeavour to trivialize Israel’s nuclear arsenal, which imposes the necessity to exert effort on Israel to sign the NPT.
The writer and intellectual Mohamed Said-Ahmed mentioned the big fallacy on which is based the Arab-Israeli negotiation, which is neglecting the final goal and getting absorbed in the details. Thus, the discourse about the necessity to improve the enforcement mechanisms is inconceivable without stressing our final goal.
Dr. Esmat Hanem Ali Amin of the atomic energy agency referred to a significant notion implying that every state can develop its nuclear weapons without compliance with the treaty.
Mr. Helmy Shaarawy, Director of the Arab and African Studies Center, mentioned the necessity of not putting aside the possibility of joining the nuclear states club, especially that the development of nuclear energy is closely related to social development and industrialization.
Dr. Sahar Hafez of the atomic energy agency brought up the crucial insufficiency of the NPT, such as its exclusion of dangerous types of mass destruction weapons, such as Uranium, etc.