

Situation in Sudan

The Afro-Asian Peoples' Solidarity Organization expresses its deep sadness and sorrow for the victims of the unprecedented flood disaster in Sudan and reassures its full solidarity with the brotherly Sudanese people in this cruel plight to which they were subjected and that had led to demolishing homes, blocking roads, collapsing bridges, sinking villages and cities, thousands of civilian casualties, displacement of a very large number of people who have no shelter and losing source of income for a significant number of people.

The humanitarian situation in Sudan requires that the concerted public and official efforts shall be made to save hundreds of thousands of lives in Sudan. In this context, AAPSO appeals to all members of African, Asian and international organizations, whether governmental or popular organizations, to expedite healing the wounds of Sudanese people, to help them in their current plight so they can get over it as soon as possible and to provide the needed money, food, medicine and medical supplies to Sudanese people for alleviating the impact of such disaster on the brotherly Sudanese people, as well as to provide the necessary technical assistance for rebuilding the destroyed buildings and houses, rehabilitating the damaged roads, installations and facilities, and compensating the victims for some of their great losses…. In addition to this, such organizations may help Sudan in protecting its people from the danger of future floods, so that this huge and immense tragedy, to which they were subjected as a result of heavy flooding and rains, does not recur, and thus ensuring a safe life.

AAPSO expresses its appreciation to the government and people of Egypt for providing the assistance to the Sudanese people and thanks all the countries that have provided and continue to provide assistance to Sudan. Also, AAPSO wishes safety to the brotherly people of Sudan, asking God to protect them and their properties and that this crisis passes over peacefully.

Long live the brotherly Sudanese people… Long live the solidarity of Africa and Asia people… Long live the solidarity of all who believe in humanity…