Conferences and Meetings

Conferences and Meetings

AFRO-ASIAN PEOPLES’ SOLIDARITY ORGANISATION (AAPSO) 8th Congress Hyderabad, India, 14-16 December 2008 Resolution thanking India

The participants at the 8th Congress of Afro-Asian Peoples’ Solidarity Organisation thanks the All India Peace and Solidarity Organisation for successfully holding the 8th Congress in Hyderabad from 14-16 December 2008. With great enthusiasm and commitment, the AIPSO mobilized with devotion in raising funds, providing accommodation and hospitality to the full satisfaction of the foreign delegates. Their efforts have provided a source of inspiration to others to be committed to the cause of peace and solidarity. Further the presence of a large number of youths from the Indian movement indicate the genuine desire to revitalize the organisation to the new tasks and requirement of the resurgent environment which need to be followed by others as a only viable possibility of strengthening and consolidating the organisation. Once again the participants thanks the AIPSO.