

The Eighth Of March International Day Of Women

* 8/3/2000

Today 8/3/2000 the world celebrates the international Day of Women. Every year it marks a new step as the women reviews what she had achieved and what she have to.
It is the day of mothers, wives , sisters and daughters. The day of women who forms half of the society.
Nevertheless women still suffer in many places throughout the world. They suffer from sex discrimination from retarded mentalities remaining behind time and history, suffer from inferiority and persecution, suffer as citizens many steps below men. Women suffer from scarcity of education and care as well from the burden of more responsibilities and hardships. Women suffer, in spite of all their scarifies through ages to build and develop the societies , life and upbringing of generations. However women and those who support their right do not pause a moment from struggle, defending women and her rights. Because the normal society is the one when woman and man are equal.

AAPSO, as it congratulates women all over the world on their day, specially the African and Asians and those who live in the South, stresses on the resolutions of Beijing conference, September 1995, which had been held under “Equality, Peace, and Development” slogan. Just as it assured that it will carry on to be a support to woman struggle for equality and perfect liberty in the society.

* 7/3/2002

March 8th
International Women’s Day

The International Women’s Day is celebrated by the world on the 8th of March since women are considered to be effective and active individuals who influence society. Moreover, the promotion of women is an important criterion for evaluating the progress of a nation and an indicator of its advancement.
As the issues of women and society are indivisible, women at present suffer from hardship caused by successive changes occurring in the world. In view of the world’s inclination towards globalization and liberalization of trade, women are bound to be more afflicted because they continue to be subjected to more discrimination and suppression whether at the patriarchal or authoritarian levels. Women continue to be regarded as inferior citizens and are placed far behind men.
AAPSO congratulates all women worldwide on this occasion. It also reconfirms the necessity to widen the scope of solidarity among women and to narrow the disparity between them in order to enable them to exchange certain experiences and information on ways and means to settle their problems.
We hope that the future will bring more progress and prosperity for women worldwide.

* 20/11/2002

Protecting The Children Of The World

Today, 20th November 2002 is the 43rd anniversary of the Convention on Child Rights ratified by the UN General Assembly on 20th November 1959 in a bid to improve the conditions of the child, eliminate poverty, disease and discrimination.
Children are the hope of the future. The best investment governments can undertake is to foster child development. Therefore, it is necessary to provide appropriate conditions that will ensure ways and means to this effect in light of a changing world witnessing numerous conflicts.
The escalation of violence in the 20th century culminated in the death of 60 million persons, of whom 80% were civilians, especially women and children. In fact, children are the prime victims in current wars and conflicts. Two million children were killed in the first decade of the 21st century, excluding those who were physically maimed and psychologically affected as well as more than 12 million who were displaced.
AAPSO calls upon governments, international governmental organizations, and concerned NGOs to protect children from pain and the ravages of war, these wars that will destroy the children of the world. For we live in one world, one planet and not in isolated islands.
Furthermore, AAPSO exhorts governments and peoples to uphold international conventions on the rights of the child and to strive towards the elimination of weapons of mass destruction. It is evident that certain countries, particularly in the Middle East possess biological, chemical and nuclear weapons that could wreak immense losses among the civilian population.
We urge you to stand steadfastly for the implementation of the resolution endorsed by member states in the Treaty on Non- Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons held in 1995 that calls for the elimination of all nuclear weapons and their delivery systems in the Middle East.
Thousands of Palestinian children killed by bullets fired by the Israeli occupation forces and millions of Iraqi children who perished due to the American siege are but an indication of the suffering endured by children because of conflicts and wars that disregards children’s rights.