


* May 2000

Passing away of Phan Van Dong
The President and the Vice-President of Socialist Republic of Vietnam - Hanoi
Your Excellencies,

AAPSO heard with profound grief, the passing away of comrade Phan Van Dong, the veteran revolutionary leader, comrade in arms of revered president Ho Chi Minh and former Prime Minister of Vietnam.

Comrade Phan Van Dong was one of the outstanding leaders of the Vietnamese Communist Party and a veteran of the war of independence against foreign aggression. His contribution to the freedom of Vietnamese people and solidarity with all liberation movements was highly acknowledged by the people of the south.
In passing away of comrade Phan Van Dong, Vietnam has lost a great revolutionary who sacrificed his life for his people and the world lost a great statesman.
AAPSO pays tribute to his memory and expresses its deep condolences to the family, the communist party and the people of Vietnam.

Nouri Abdul Razzak                                             Dr.Mourad Ghaleb
Secretary-General                                                      President