


PR:28/ Arab Sec/27-12-2004
Doc: 1/12/2004

Dr. Mourad Ghaleb President of the Afro Asian Peoples' Solidarity Organization issued the following Statement on behalf of the Permanent Secretariat

AAPSO received the news about the drowning of the Indian Ocean basin territories and islands, as it was exposed to the most hard earthquake since 1940, which resulted in killing more than 150,000 persons in addition to thousands of wounded and homeless persons.

AAPSO expresses its deep condolences to the peoples of Sri Lanka, India, Thailand, Indonesia, Maldves, Myanmar, Somalia and Malaysia, and to the victims' families. As well it calls the International Society to stand beside the afflicted peoples and to send supports to take part in reducing the victims' suffering.

May God encompasses victims with forgiveness and mercy, and inspires their relatives with patience and consolation.