

AAPSO Greets Venezuelan President Hugo Chavas

AAPSO Greets Venezuelan President Hugo Chavas   

The Permanent Secretariat of Afro-Asian Peoples Solidarity Organization expresses its great pleasure in the re-election of His Excellency Hugo Chavas as the President of Venezuela for the third time in succession.

      With the Bolivian ideology of upholding the dignity of the Venezuelan people, president Hugo Chavas brought about revolutionary changes in the social life when he was elected for the first time. Until his ascendancy to power, the overwhelming majority of the people in this fifth oil rich country lived in abject poverty and illiteracy. The poor areas of the country never had access to medical treatment. President Hugo Chavas changed this and utilised the oil income to provide free medical aid, elimination of illiteracy and poverty.

      Over 17,000 medical doctors from Cuba were deployed in remotest part of the country and for the first time the people were able to get free medical aid. Within three years of his presidency, illiteracy was eliminated awarding the UNESCO prize. The socially deprived were empowered which resulted in a short lived coup by the multinationals supported by the U.S, who wanted to turn the clock back. The coup could not sustain as the people rallied around the president and brought him back to power.

      In this election president trounced the opposition candidate by a clear margin of getting 62.57 votes. The opposition candidate could not get a majority in his own state. The Bolivian revolution has come to stay along with other Latin American countries who have voted left candidates.

      AAPSO congratulates President Hugo Chavas and greets the Venezuelan people and wish them all success.

Nouri Abdul Razzak Hussain              Dr. Mourad Ghaleb                                     
  Secretary General                                President