

International Conference The Indo-US Nuclear Deal 10-11 March, 2007 Mumbai



In the last 50 years there was a great hostility and differences between India and the US especially in the nuclear arena. While today India becomes a key strategic partner to the US.
They signed a number of accords such as the launching of Indian satellite licensed by the US, strengthening cooperation to fight AIDS, 40 Indian universities will cooperate with American ones in the areas of biotechnology, food processing, and marketing, the deal for spreading democracy……, and others as the topic of our meeting (The Indo-US Nuclear Deal).

On the surface, this deal is seemed to be a (win-win agreement) for both of them. As for India, it is known it has a shortage of power sources and there are restrictions in its access to the nuclear technology as the result of the sanctions imposed in India after its first nuclear test in 1974.However, all this will be changed wit this nuclear agreement, the sanctions will be lifted. India will be able to access to long-denied civilian nuclear technology, and will be provided with uranium fuel that would be used to produce as many nuclear weapons as it wants. Also, US will allow cooperation between India and other nuclear supplier Group countries. So, India will be recognized as a Nuclear Weapons State with advanced nuclear technology.

As for the US, this agreement will open new markets in Asia where it can export its nuclear industry: equipment and technology as well as technical workers.
In reality, if we study this deal in depth, we will find the U.S. needs to engage India in its global scheme. It wants to use India as a bulwark in Asia against some countries that US disagrees and dislikes their policies such as Iran, Pakistan and China and others. By doing this, the US will be able to accomplish its ambitious dream for dominating the world and to be the unipolar system hegemonated the world.

America's global strategy benefits from Indian participation in building a new world order. This idea is only a part of a geo¬political move against China, Iran and Pakistan, urging them for arms race and destabilization in Asia.

Iran for example, is the main actor in the global energy market. It is the second biggest oil produces in the OPEC, and it has about  1 0 % of the international oil reserve. It has the world second reserve of natural gas.

Though 9 /11 event, Iran managed to clear itself of being accused of participating in such an event, the war on Afghanistan and the removing of Taliban in Kabul, and the war on Iraq and overthrow of Saddam's regime in 2003, All of these factors with others resulted in the emergence of new geo¬-political position in the central Asia.

Accordingly, this gives more space for Iran to extend its power and develop its nuclear capabilities which is not accepted by the U.S.
Therefore, the US tries to create the image of Iran as an enemy against the Arab World countries that is more dangerous than Israel so that they may be pushed to be involved in a conflict with Iran, while the U.S. will watch and enjoy.

The same is happening now in India which is being used to tell Iran a message concerning its insistence on having an independent nuclear development program while the U.S. will share the nuclear (know-how) technology and fuel with India, .. although it is not a signatory to NPT like Iran.

Since the visit of the former Iranian President Mohamed Khatami to India in 2003, the bi-Lateral relation becomes a (strategic partnership) in energy field. The then Indian Petroleum minister stated that the year 2004-2005 would witness several deals with Iran. Some has already signed and others are under studying.
The biggest project is this strategic partnership is the project of natural gas pipelines from Iran to India across Pakistan.

The effects of this project go beyond any expectations for economic cooperation signed between any two countries because it will enable India to access to energy resources and paves its way to its international ascendancy. For India, this pipeline project is crucial since it can be cross-linked with central Asia and China and with ports in India and Pakistan. of course, the U.S. is against such partnership due to its own consideration.

It is no doubt, the US companies are already dominating the oil in the East Asia. Now after the collapse of the Soviet Union, the US is determining to dominate over oil and gas in Central Asian and Caspian Region. It is along with Europe rapidly putting infrastructure to pump oil and gas resources across Europe via the Mediterranean, to monopolize these resources and marginalize Russia.

Moreover, the US exerted no pressures on India to join the campaign against Iran's nuclear file. The American Ambassador to India Mr. Mulford linked the implementation of this Indo-US Agreement with Indian behaviors towards Iran's nuclear file.

At the end, India voted twice against Iran in the IAEA and agreed to refer the Iranian nuclear file to the Security Council.

India pursues a double standard policy towards Iran. It tightens the rope on Iran in its nuclear file and continues its relation with it in a way that reports mentioned India has been training Iranian troops which is being denied later on.

lt is evident the India is taking the "parallel line" till now, but with any military escalation against Iran, India has to choose between the bigger global partner the US or the regional strategic partner which guarantees its economic grow and access to central Asia and Afghanistan, that is Iran.

Both China and Pakistan are against this deal, in a way that can encourage Pakistan to do the same with China, especially after the US's refusal to sign a similar deal with Pakistan because of concerns over Pakistan's record as being accused of helping nuclear proliferation. That is why after 9/11 America started to look at New Delhi as important to stop Pakistan from supporting militancy in Kashmir, and during the US war on Afghanistan, Pakistan which is considered the most competitor to India in the political and military fields had its international position been weakened. Now, after the Indo-US Deal, Pakistan fears the ever-growing gap between it and India.

All this could affect the on going peace initiative between India and Pakistan and will further boost its military modernization efforts.

The same will happen with China that presents the most significant threat to both India and the US as it seems an emerging power.

On commentary on this deal, China stated clearly it is against. any "move towards nuclear proliferation, and nuclear deal between US and India must conform to follow generally accepted rules with provisions of international NPT".

Not only China is against this deal but also other nuclear supplier group such as Germany, Japan, South Africa, ... etc.
China could be tempted to support the nuclear program in Iran and Pakistan as a counter part.

On the contrary, the US considers China and Russia together pose a serious challenge, which could be formidable force of India, were to join them. The US goals are to ensure India does not do this. Furthermore it seeks to break any normalization between India and China.

Also, this deal will affect badly on the ongoing process of discussion regarding the denuclearization of Korean Peninsula.

Finally, The Uses India through the selective use of the carrot and stick to tie India to its geo-political strategy and ambitions. This deal in fact urges for arms race in Asia rather than nuclear disarmament.

The US is sucking India into different defense partnership that let India always depending on the US for all nuclear energy initiatives.
Afro-Asian Peoples' Solidarity Organisation (AAPSO) calls for the establishment for an Asian and a Middle East free zones of weapons of mass destructions.

Prepared by : Hamsa Abd EI-Hamid Genidy
Afro-Asian Peoples' Solidarity Organization

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