


AAPSO Condemns NATO Bombing Of Chinese Embassy In Belgrade


* 10/5/1999

The US led NATO bombing campaign on Yugoslavia has gone out of proportion to what they proclaimed. The latest casualty is the Chinese Embassy in Belgrade. Three missiles were hit on the Embassy killing four inmates and wounding over a score of them, some seriously. The Embassy was in flames.

AAPSO strongly condemns this criminal act of NATO and appeals to them to stop bombing raids and return to negotiation for a settlement under UN auspices.
This is the first time in the history of warfare that only civilians are killed and not the armed personnel. The accuracy and preciseness of their bombing targets which NATO has been talking loudly often has gone astray inflecting heavy casualties on innocent people and destroying their houses.
President Clinton says that this action is a “tragic mistake”. But one cannot over rule more “tragic mistakes” in the way the bombing raids are going on.
The peace-loving people world over are looking aghast at the Balkan crisis which will become another black spot in the world civilisation, as we enter the next millennium.

* 27/3/2002

Visit By The Chinese Popular Committee
For Peace And Disarmament

A delegation from the Chinese Popular Committee for Peace and Disarmament headed by its President Mr. Jiang Gonge visited Cairo, from 22 - 26 March 2002, at the invitation of the Afro-Asian Peoples’ Solidarity Organization (AAPSO).
AAPSO organized several meetings for the delegation with relevant research and study centres in Cairo. These were Al-Ahram Center for Political and Strategic Studies and Center for Asian Studies in Cairo University where the delegation was met by its director, Dr Mohamed Sayed Selim. Other meetings were also held with experts, officials, public figures and Egyptian media representatives.
The delegation met with the international Secretariat of AAPSO and addressed wide-ranging issues of mutual interest to both parties as well as coordination between the Committee and the Organization concerning the international situation following 11/9. This was linked to security, peace, stability and development in the Asian continent as well as American military presence in several areas therein. The meetings also discussed the international alliance against terrorism, the Middle East crisis, Arab Israeli conflict as well as the Palestinian peoples' Intifada. Moreover, the perspectives for establishing peace and disarmament in the world were dealt with as well as Chinese - American relations.
Both parties agreed that 11/9 events were the turning point in the development of the international situation and relations at the economic, social, political and military levels. Furthermore, any international policy to establish world security and peace and confrontation of terrorism must be determined, supervised and in accordance with the UN Charter. No single country should unilaterally determine and implement international policy to establish world security and peace. This in order to avoid a repetition of the tragic events that occurred in a similar situation witnessed by the world in the wake of World War II, particularly that the USA now threatens to use nuclear weapons against seven UN member countries, including those who are members in the Security Council.
Both parties indicated the danger of American military escalation and its expansion to several regions in Asia and the Middle East, a matter that endangers security and peace in the region and the world. Moreover, this hinders development and economic progress in the Third World and consequently exacerbates the scope of terrorism to reach other parts in the world.
Regarding the fight against terrorism, both parties reiterated the necessity to have an international definition of terrorism in compliance with the UN Charter, particularly the articles related to the right of peoples to struggle against colonialism and their right to self-determination. It was important to study and identify all the social, economic and political causes that incite terrorism and to assist peoples striving for development and progress in order to overcome terrorism and eliminate its root causes stemming from social injustice as a result of the harsh economic policy of globalization.
Concerning the Arab - Israeli conflict, both parties underlined the need to adhere to international legitimacy and resolutions 242, 338 that call for ending the Israeli occupation in all the occupied Arab territories, the establishment of the independent Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as its capital and the right of Palestinian refugees to return as stipulated in UN resolution 194. In fact, occupation and Israel's total disregard of 70 relevant international resolutions are the main cause behind the massacres and genocide against the Palestinian people perpetrated by Sharon and his government.
With regard to Chinese American relations, the Chinese delegation affirmed that their country sought to establish cooperation and friendship with the USA. The three statements between both countries confirm this spirit. However, when Bush assumed the presidency, relations deteriorated to a certain extent, especially when Bush stated that his country might use nuclear deterrence against seven countries including China. The delegation pointed out that the Chinese government noted that Washington manipulated the human rights issue to interfere in the internal affairs of China. Despite Washington's commitment to respect the contents of the three statements on organizing relations between both countries, in particular that pertaining to Taiwan as an indivisible part of China and not an independent country, America has not honoured these clauses and thus relations faltered between them from time to time.
Finally, both parties underlined the necessity to promote friendship and cooperation relations between them, to organize joint events, exchange visits and coordinate in international fora. The Chinese delegation invited AAPSO leadership to visit China this year.
It is noteworthy that the AAPSO international secretariat organized the Chinese delegation's visit to the Organization's Arab national committees including that in Jordan.

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