

International Court of Justice (ICJ)

International Court of Justice (ICJ)

P.R. 14/ Arab Sec. 11/7/2004

Dr. Morad Ghaleb, President of AAPSO Issued the following Statement on behalf of the Permanent Secretariat

The International Court of Justice issued a historical decision regarding the illegal construction of the Separation Wall in the Occupied Palestinian Territories which calls for its demolish and compensate the Palestinians. The ICJ calls upon the world to confront this wall by stopping any kind of assistance to Israel in constructing this wall.

After the decision, the EU immediately issued a statement asking Israel to obligate the decision of demolishing the wall from the West Bank and Occupied Jerusalem, while Israel stated the neglectace of such a decision.

In the opinion of the American Administration, the wall will accomplish security for Israel. The administration considered the ICJ is not authorised to deal with this issue, and the only solution is implementing the "Road Map".

In addition to what Collin Powell said about the refusal of American administration for reviewing the issue at the ICJ, it will also disagree any decision to be issued from the General Assembly or Security Council, calling about Israel to obligate the ICJ decision.

The decision reveals the shameful crimes committed by Israel against the Palestinians and clarifies the Israel violations to the International legitimacy and justice, and humanitarian as being an outlaw entity.

The position of the American administration discover its dishonour and shameful attitude against Arabs and Palestinians, and proved their support to Israel to break any international legitimacy. The American administration becomes the defender to Israel hostility to Arab and Palestinians nations not to peace process in the Middle East.

The delivering of this decision by the ICJ reinforced that the World is still sticking to right and justice and ensured the loyalty of judges while are not exploited by the American hegemonism. Even the American judge declared the illegality of the Wall.

The EU which has taken a positive action towards this issue considered this fair decision agreed their opinion of destroying the Wall is a must because of its bad effects on the humanity and economic status of the Palestinians.

It should be emphasised that an immediate and formal move should start by Arab countries, NAM countries and Arab League to support any decision to be taken by the United Nations, Security Council and international and legal organisations.

As well as AAPSO calls upon Arab national and regional NGOs and international , regional and local NGOs to mobilise to compel Israel to stop the construction of the wall.

Glory to the International Justice
Demolish to the Racist Wall

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