


Seminar On: The Democratic Transformation In Bahrain
15-18 Feb. 2002

* 16/2/2002

Aloroba Club- Manama, Bahrain has invited Dr. Morad Ghaleb, AAPSO President, to participate in its Seminar on the Democratic Transformation in Bahrain 16-18 Feb. 2002.

In the above mentioned Seminar Dr. Morad Ghaleb has participated as Chairperson of the session on Syndicates and Societies.

The Seminar was distinguished with deep approaches, discussions and studies on Arab and Bahraini hot issues. Almost all participants were from Bahraini opposition, although some now occupy key governmental positions. They assure that they will continue oppose any current policy in the framework of the Charter and Laws. All of them have presented critical and analytic researches on the changes that have been occurred in Bahrain and that led to some limits of freedom of which the return home of exiled and excluded Bahrainis.

A significant analytic research on new Charter in comparison with the old one (1986) was presented. Severe criticism in address of the new Charter characterized the work of the seminar as not satisfactory concerning the limits of freedom that Bahraini people aspires to, and that previous Emir, who became a King in conformity with the new Charter, is the first to violate Charter.
Yet, no doubt, as Seminar assured, that the current system in Bahrain is more tolerable and more ready to accept criticism and opinions of the others.


* 11/10/2000

The Meeting Of Ali Nasser
President Of The Arab Center Of
Strategic Studies With AAPSO Secretariat

The Permanent Secretariat of AAPSO received the colleague President Ali Nasser, President of the Arab Center of Strategic Studies, after an invitation addressed to his Excellency by the Permanent Secretariat.
The Secretariat held a meeting where there was a debate with his Excellency about the current international situations characterized by violence and regression to the obsolete imperialistic methods without taking into consideration any of the achievements realized by mankind during the last half-century, concerning the values and morals of the international dealing, and how to talk about the international legitimacy, the self-determination right and human rights has become a talk that covers the violation of all these great international principals and standards.
There has also been a discussion about the importance of the role of the NGOs, and the role that has been played by AAPSO and is still being, and how the importance of this role is multiplying where the South is more and more marginalized, and the hegemony of the unipole is increasing everyday and affecting peoples' destinies, and how necessary it is to achieve a sort of coordination among these organizations by all means and on all ranges, nationally, regionally and internationally.
The debate concentrated on the current bloody actions in Palestine, and the Zionist brutality and barbarism that face an unarmed people with all criminal means of killing and violence. The meeting saluted the courageous Palestinian "Intifada" which is a live announcement of the Palestinian people's pride, a refusal of giving up any of its inalienable rights, and an evidence of the Zionist colonizer's horrors and Nazi bloody nature which are considered a menace to peace and stability in the region.
The meeting took up the question of the patriotic rising all over the Arab world, and how it unveiled a true refusal of the Zionist role in the region and of the Israeli occupation of the Palestinian and Arab territories, and the nonnegotiable sticking to all the sacred things violated by the Israeli occupation.
Israel is not doing this without a real American support that became evident in the security council situation in a serious attempt to stop the issuing of a resolution to condemn Israel and to form an international investigation committee.
The Security Council has made a decision, and has to go forward to implement it. The meeting saluted as well President Mubarak's initiative of calling for an Arab Summit, and the importance of making the Palestinian cause the axial cause of this Summit, as we are now on the 13th day of the massacre and the Palestinian "Intifada". The number of martyrs reached 118, and the injuries more than 3000 Palestinians, while Israel still insistes on setting fire to the situation and widening its range on the Palestinian, Syrian and Lebanese territories, and the Zionist settlers have entered, as well, under the protection of the Israeli forces, as a part of the battle.
Israel has to immediately stop the massacre, unless, it has to bear the responsibilities, consequences and Arab reaction of its actions.
It is important to support the Palestinian "Intifada" by all political, moral, and material means, to stand firmly by the Palestinian People's side, and to denounce clearly the Israeli-American plans to force the Palestinian people to surrender and to give up all the sacred things and East Jerusalem to the Zionist domination. It is necessary to refer the Palestinian cause and the occupied territories causes to the International legitimacy and to the United Nations, and not let the Israeli- American axis resolve it to its advantage, on the expense of the International resolutions.
It is indispensable to form an international investigation committee to start immediately the investigation of the Israeli crimes and violations.
The meeting ended with the issuing of a common report reflecting the positions of the center and the organization from the current events.
It ended, as well as, with showing the importance of coordination and working on finding diverse ways of common work, and signing a protocol guaranteeing this, and preparing for a common debate in the beginning of the year 2001.

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